Withdrawing imported course records from a learner will delete the import record, and the enrollment and credits (if applicable).
- Navigate to the course.
- Click the “Enrollments” tab.
- Click the “Imported records” link.
- Search for the record to withdraw.
- Check the checkbox next to the record and click “Withdraw record.”
title | Records from Holding Table |
Each time a learner logs into EthosCE, the system reviews the records in the Imported Record holding table. If any enrollments match the user, that record is moved to the learner's transcript, and they are able to access the course.
If this enrollment needs to be removed, using the "Withdraw" function will take that enrollment record off the course and place it back in the holding table. The next time the learner logs in, the system will match the record to them and place it in their transcript.
If an imported record needs to be removed entirely from EthosCE, it should first be "Withdrawn" from the course, and then "Deleted" from the holding table. If a record is only "Deleted" from the holding table, the enrollment record will remain on the learner's transcript and they will still have access to the course.- and delete record.”