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EthosCE provides two methods to create links to user-specific pages such as transcripts or profiles.


The path "/my/" can be used in links and will be replaced with a user's user ID (UID) after login. For example, if an anonymous user clicks a link to /my/edit/profile, after the user will be redirected to /1234/edit/profile where 1234 is the user's UID.


  • my/activities - Links to user's transcript.

  • my/edit/profile - Links to user's profile for editing.

  • my/edit/mobile - Links to user's mobile number (if SMS enabled).

  • my/edit/bio - Links to user's faculty bio for editing.

  • my/edit/disclosure - Links to user's faculty disclosure for editing.

  • my/edit - Links to users account for editing. 

  • my/activities/pending - Links to user's pending courses.

  • my/activities/session-credit - Links to user's session credits. 

  • my/activities/external-credits - Links to user's external credits.

  • my/faculty-relationships - Links to user's faculty dashboard.

These paths may be added to menu items.


To create a menu item that will link to a user's transcript

  1. Navigate to Menu Items

  2. Click the "+ Add link."

  3. Type in a machine-readable name in the "Machine-readable name" field.

  4. Type in a "Menu link title." This title will appear in the main navigation.

  5. Type in "user/[current-user:uid]/activities" in the "Path" field.

  6. Check the "Use tokens in title and in path"  checkbox.

  7. Set "Method for Users" to "User from context."

  8. Click on the dropdown under “Parent link” and select the link you would like your page to appear beside or beneath. “<Main menu>” is typically where the main navigational items are listed.

  9. Click "Save."