

To access the PARS report for a course:

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click the "COURSE REPORTS" tab.

  3. Click on the "PARS" subtab.

  4. Click on the year link besides "View PARS Export XML" to view the PARS report for the selected year.

To download the PARS report for a course:

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click the "COURSE REPORTS" tab.

  3. Click on the "PARS" subtab.

  4. Click the "Download PARS Export (all years)" link.

To download the PARS report for all courses:

  1. Click the wrench to open the admin menu.

  2. Click “Reports.”

  3. Click “Course reports.”

  4. Click “PARS.”

  5. Select the reporting year in the "Year" dropdown.

  6. Click "Download" to download the XML file to submit.

The downloads are the same as the XML “payload” sent to the ACCME via web service.

PARS Documentation

For more information about PARS, the ACCME site contains detailed documentation. Download the XML template for the documentation of the PARS XML download.

Here are a few tools that may be used to better view XML:


To pull the report into Excel, you can find instructions here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Import-XML-data-6eca3906-d6c9-4f0d-b911-c736da817fa4

Please see this information on what open versus closed means for activities submitted to PARS: https://www.accme.org/faq/what-difference-between-open-and-closed-activities

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