Enrollment Questions

Enrollment Questions

Enrollment questions allow an administrator to add questions that can be answered by the learner at the time of enrollment. These can be downloaded in a CSV file or used for custom reports or added to certificates. Each response from a learner is only associated with that user’s enrollment in that course. 

Enrollment questions are useful for collecting data specific to an enrollment. For example, 

  • "Will you be attending the reception?" 

  • "If so, are you bringing a guest?" 

  • "Please enter the guest's name."

  • "What is your age at the time of registration?"

  • "Please enter your years of experience."

In EthosCE, enrollment questions are a reusable group of reusable questions called "enrollment types" or also "enrollment bundles." They are named such because the enrollment type is a "bundle" of questions.

Each enrollment type bundle can be used for one or more courses. If possible, try to use your enrollment type bundles for multiple courses to limit the number of bundles created. This will make your installation of EthosCE easier to manage. We do not recommend using enrollment questions that are unique per course.

Enrollment questions are supported on course relationships only when the enrollment setting is set to “User may only enroll in parent."                                                                                 

Creating an enrollment type bundle:

  1. Log in as a user with the site admin role and go to admin menu > Configuration > Course > Enrollment types

  2. Click add Enrollment type.

  3. Enter a name for the set of questions.

  4. Click "Save enrollment type."

  5. Click "Manage fields" in the column containing the enrollment type created in the previous steps.

  6. Type the name of the first question in the first "Add new field" field titled, "Label."

  7. Select the question type under the "Field type" column. See field type definitions. 

  8. Select the widget type under the "Widget" column.

  9. Click save.

  10. Enter field settings as necessary. Field settings are different for each field type. See field type definitions.

  11. Check the "Required field" checkbox to set the field as required.

  12. Type any help text necessary for the user into the "Help text" field.

  13. Check the "Show this field on enrollment" checkbox.

  14. Click "Save settings."

  15. Repeat steps 5-14 to add additional fields.

  16. Navigate to the course.

  17. Click "Edit."

  18. Click "Course settings."

  19. For the "Enrollment type" field, select the enrollment type that was just created.

  20. Click "Save."

  21. Test the enrollment type by enrolling as a learner.

Reusing questions in enrollment type bundles

  1. Log in as a user with the site admin role and go to admin menu > Administration > Course > Enrollment types

  2. Click "Manage fields" in the column containing the enrollment type to add questions.

  3. Type the name of the question in the "Add existing field" field.

  4. Select the question to reuse by clicking "Field to share" and selecting the question.

  5. Select the widget type under the "Widget" column.

  6. Click save.

  7. Enter field settings as necessary. Field settings are different for each field type. See field type definitions.

  8. Check the "Required field" checkbox to set the field as required.

  9. Type any help text necessary for the user into the "Help text" field.

  10. Check the "Show this field on enrollment" checkbox.

  11. Click "Save settings."

  12. Repeat steps 3-11 to add additional fields.


Downloading enrollment type question results

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click “Enrollments.”

Click the orange “CSV” icon at the bottom of the page to download results.

Adding enrollment question tokens to a certificate

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click "Edit."

  3. Open the token browser.

  4. Copy the enrollment question token to the clipboard. These tokens may be found when editing the course under “Course enrollment.”

  5. Edit the certificate and add the token.

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