Merging Users

Merging Users

When a learner creates two accounts, EthosCE can merge the learner’s records into a selected account and delete or block the duplicate account. The merged learner then retains both learner’s enrollments and credit records.

Merging learners is a 2-step process.

  1. Select the accounts to merge.

  2. Select the data to merge.

If one of the accounts is blocked (active status = No), the account cannot be merged. Please unblock the account by editing the account and setting the Status from 'Blocked' to 'Active'.

To select the account to merge:

  1. Click the wrench to open the admin menu.

  2. Click “EthosCE Admin."

  3. Click "Merge users."

  4. Search for the account to remove by entering the name or email address into the "Merge from" field and click "Apply."

  5. Search for the account to keep by entering the name or email address into the "Merge to" field and click "Apply."

  6. Click the radio button next to the appropriate account in each column.

  7. Click "Merge users."

  8. Select an option in the "Action to perform on the account you wish to remove" field.

    1. "Block" will lock the account and prevent the account from being used. 

    2. "Delete" will remove the account and is irreversible.

  9. Click "Review account data."

About the "Merge accounts: review account data" page

The data merge selection page organizes the learner's data into sections. Inside each section is a row describing the data.

In each row there are radio button options that allow for the selection of data to retain after the merge is complete. There are three options:

  • Retain the data from the deleted learner

  • Retain the data from the learner to be kept

  • Merge the data and retain all data

To select the data to merge:

  1. Review the selections on the "Merge accounts: review account data" page.

  2. Click "Merge accounts."

  3. A confirmation message will appear, "USERNAME was successfully merged into USERNAME."

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