Is the email found in the spam folder?
- Are the e-mails appearing in the EthosCE maillog?
Reasoning: Emails listed in the maillog typically indicate a successful send from EthosCE. If a reminder email is not in the maillog as expected, please disable the reminder and add it in a blank reminder field. Old reminders that are updated in the original field will not resend since they are flagged as 'sent', so a new reminder field should be used. - Did your IT department whitelist the IP address where EthosCE email is coming from:
Reasoning: SPF records must be setup to allow for our server to send mail. To check the SPF record, follow these steps:- Navigate to http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx
- In the search field, enter your domain your email is being sent as the site from. This may not be the same as your site domain.
- Choose 'SPF Record Lookup' in the dropdown and then click the 'SPF Record Lookout' button.
- If this appears, it indicates no SPF record was found:
- If this appears, it indicates an SPF record was found:
Admin or Test user User is not receiving reminder email.