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In order to utilize the EthosCE Zoom course object,

a Zoom JWT (JSON Web Tokens) API

the EthosCE Zoom Oauth application must be

configured within the Zoom

added to your zoom account.


This option is available to all Zoom customers with a Pro, Business, or Enterprise plan. 

EthosCE utilizes the JWT API application to interface directly with the associated Zoom account.

Creating a Zoom OAuth API Account

How to add the EthosCE Oauth application to your Zoom account

  1. Log into your Zoom Admin account at https://us02web.zoom.usFollow the steps here to create an application at: /signin#/login.

  2. In a new webpage, Navigate to

    1. Navigate to:

    2. Click Create under OAuth

    3. Set the App name to EthosCE

    4. Fill out required fields

    5. Copy API Key and API Secret

    6. Click 'Feature' on the lefthand checklist

    7. Click the switch button to enable 'Event Subscription'

    8. Enter your EthosCE website URL in the 'Event notification endpoint URL' field. After inputting the URL, please add the following path: '/zoom/end_meeting'. The URL should appear as:

    9. Click Add Event Type

    10. Select "Meetings/End Meeting"

    11. Click 'Done' on the Add Event Type dialog window

    12. Click 'Save'

    13. Continue until App is set as ‘Activated’

  3. Open a Jira support ticket with the subject line "Zoom Integration Request".

  4. Paste the API KeyAPI Secret and Zoom Account Email into the body of the support ticket message. Our team will active the Zoom integration and confirm when complete.

For accounts supporting both Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars, an additional 'Event Subscription' must be enabled:

  1. Click 'Feature' on the lefthand checklist to add an additional Event Subscription.

  2. Click the switch button to enable 'Event Subscription'

  3. Enter your EthosCE website URL int the 'Event notification endpoint URL' field. After inputting the URL, please add the following path: '/zoom/end'. The URL should appear as:

  4. Click Add Event Type

  5. Select "Webinars/End Webinar"

  6. Click 'Done' on the Add Event Type dialog window

  7. Click 'Save'

  8. Continue until App is set as ‘Activated’

    Image Removed
  1. <your site url>/admin/config/services/zoom.

  2. Click the blue “Add to ZOOM” button.

    Image Added
  3. You will automatically be redirected to a zoom page asking for your permission to add the EthosCE app to your zoom account.

    Image Added
  4. Once you click “Allow” you will be redirected back to /admin/config/services/zoom.

  5. Upon a successful connection between your zoom account and EthosCE, you will be prompted with the following banners:

  6. Image Added

    If your site was previously using the Zoom JWT application, you will see the following additional banner:

  7. Image Added

    The EthosCE Zoom app is now added to your zoom account. The Zoom course object can now be configured and used within courses!


Please note:  EthosCE supports a single Zoom account integration per site. Each account can have multiple hosts. The connected Zoom account will be the default for all Zoom Course Objects, but the Zoom meeting/webinar is linked to the host who created the meeting/webinar.


Removing your Zoom Account from EthosCE

At anytime, you can remove your zoom account from EthosCE.

First, you will have to edit or remove any future zoom course objects created using your Zoom account.

Next, on the /admin/config/services/zoom, remove your host account email and client ID and secret and click Save Configuration. 

Then, to complete the process, log into your Zoom account as an Admin. Go to Advanced -> App Marketplace. Click the "Manage" button in the top right. Then click on "Added Apps" in the left column. Find the "EthosCE" app. Click the "Remove" button on the right end of that row. This removes the permissions that you granted the EthosCE app to your account, and revokes any and all access.