  • Calendar
    Displays a calendar of live courses.


 All course blocks display published content, set to display on the catalog, which have not expired (a course closing date in the future).
  • Featured courses table
    Displays courses that have been stickied (featured). See how to sort featured courses!
  • Free CE table
    Displays courses with no base price.
  • List of recent courses
    Displays a list of course titles, sorted by course open date.
  • Table of enduring courses 
    A table of enduring course titles, sorted by course open date.
  • Table of recent courses
    A table view of the recent courses list, with additional information in columns.
  • Table of live courses 
    A table of upcoming live courses, which have not expired (an event end date in the past), sorted by live event start date.
  • Upcoming courses table
    Displays a table of courses that have not yet started (an opening date in the future), sorted by course open date.

  • Recent discussions list
    Displays a list of recent discussion topics.

  • Learning group membership
    Displays a list of the logged in user's learning group memberships. (EthosCE 7.23)
  • List of recent news
    Displays a list of recent news items.

  • Completed activities table
    Displays the learner's transcript (courses the user has completed).
  • Pending activities list
    Displays courses the learner is enrolled in but has not yet completed.
  • My bookmarks (Available in 7.11+)
    Display a list of the learner's bookmarked courses. Does not display unless the user is logged in.
  • Group slideshow
    Displays a slideshow whose layout is customized for a group landing page.
  • Home page slideshow
    Displays a slideshow whose layout is customized for the site home page.

New custom content
