User does not see an add to cart button.
Is the course open for enrollments?
Is the course purchasable?
Is the course already in the user’s cart?
Is there a role restriction set on the course?
- If role based pricing is enabled, does the user have the proper role that has a sell price attached?
Order status is 'Payment Received' instead of 'Completed.' Users are not enrolled.
- Is the course marked as a shippable product? Reasoning: If a course is made to be shippable, the system expects administrators to switch order statuses from 'Payment Received' to 'Completed' once the product has been shipped.
- Does the order have comments from the payment gateway and do they note a success or failure reason?
- Was a configuration on the payment gateway changed recently?
User receives an error when trying to checkout.
- Does the order in EthosCE have an order comment from the merchant/payment gateway? Please be sure to filter orders by <Any> to find orders set to 'In checkout' or 'Abandoned'. In most cases, a comment will be posted to the order from the merchant with further information (IE. billing address doesn't match, credit card type is not accepted, etc).
- Is the payment gateway having issues? Please check your payment gateway's issue log/status page.