For all instructions below, first start with these steps:
- Log in as a user with the site admin role.
- Find the form you wish to edit.
- Click the appropriate form name in the list shown on screen.
- Click "Manage fields" in the top navigation bar.
To add a field:
- Type the field label in the "label" field under "Add new field." The label is the field name that the end users will see.
- Select a field type from the "Field type" dropdown. For more information see the field type definition list.
- Select a widget from the "Widget" field.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save."
- Depending on the field type, additional screens may appear. Fill in the fields as appropriate. More information is available on each field type definition list.
- Click "Save field settings" as necessary.
To edit a field:
- Click "edit" in the row containing the field to be edited.
- Make any changes as necessary.
- Click "Save settings."
To delete a field:
- Click "delete" in the row containing the field to be edited.
- Click "Delete."
Delete: Deleting a field will remove all data associated with it for the form being edited. Deleting is an irreversible operation.
Editing: Editing a field will edit it for all forms it is contained in.