Course Settings Guide

Course Settings Guide

When setting up course shell configurations, it's crucial to consider course settings. In this guide, you will gain insight into each item located in the course settings tab.

Outline Display (1)

Outline displays control how a learner views, enrolls and navigates through a course.

Enrollment type (2)

In the enrollment type drop-down menu, you will find any enrollment-type questions that have been set up on the site globally.

Enrollment questions allow an administrator to add questions that can be answered by the learner at the time of enrollment. These can be downloaded in a CSV file or used for custom reports or added to certificates. Each response from a learner is only associated with that user’s enrollment in that course. 

For more information see: Enrollment Questions.

Duration (3)

Enrollment duration is the length of time a learner can stay enrolled in a course. The duration period starts when the learner enrolls (enrollment start). The duration can be set in days, hours and minutes.

Leaving the enrollment duration set to 0 will allow the learner to stay enrolled indefinitely. This is the default setting when a course is created.

External ID (4)

External course ID is a field used to associate the course in EthosCE with an external system, such as a membership management system, a customer relationship management system (CRM), e-commerce or others.

Unless the EthosCE install has been integrated with an external system, this field can be left empty.

Show on Catalog, Calendar, and Transcript (5)

"Show on catalog" controls whether or not the course will be displayed in the course catalog.

"Show on calendar" controls whether or not the course will be displayed in the calendar block, which can be added to the homepage or a learning group.

Show on transcript controls whether or not the course will display in the user's transcript.