Cloning a Course Relationship - Quick Start Guide.

Cloning a Course Relationship - Quick Start Guide.

This guide is designed for site administrators and course administrators to understand how to clone a course relationship involving one parent course and multiple child courses. To learn more about cloning a course, refer to the Cloning a Course document.

Updating Child Courses, in Cloned Parent Outlines

When a parent course is cloned, new versions of the child courses will be generated on the site; however, these new versions must be manually re-added, to the corresponding course object in the cloned parent's outline.

Steps to Cloning a Parent Course and Re-adding Child Courses

Steps to Cloning a Parent Course and Re-adding Child Courses


Navigate to the desired parent course that you want to clone


Click on the “CLONE” tab on the top menu of the course landing page


The cloned course shell will appear, rename the parent course and review relationship settings


Click the "Save" button


Click the "COURSE OUTLINE" tab on the newly created parent course (child course shell objects will be listed, but they are not yet attached to any nodes/courses)


Click on “Settings” for each child object


Click the "Content" tab in the vertical menu on the left-hand side


Tick the checkbox next to “Use Existing Content”


Type the title of the cloned child course that you would like to add, in the "Existing Content" field


Click “Update”


Click the "Save outline" button on the top right-hand corner of the course outline

The image below illustrates steps 7-10.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Avoid adding the same child course, for multiple parent courses. For example, if you create “child course (node) 123”, it should only be associated with Parent Course A and not with Parent Course B or any other parent course. Linking the same child course (with the same course node) to multiple courses can disrupt enrollments, reporting, and the overall functionality of the course relationship feature.

However, the child course can be CLONED first, generating a new node within the system for the course. Afterward, the system will identify it as original new content on the site. Then, the new child course can be added to parent course B.