Cloning a Course Relationship

Cloning a Course Relationship

When a Parent course is cloned, cloned versions of the child courses will be created, but they will need to be manually attached to the child object shells in the cloned parents' outline.

  1. Navigate to the parent course

  2. Click “Clone.”

  3. Rename the Parent and review relationship settings.

  4. Click the "Save" button.

  5. Navigate to the cloned Parent course.

  6. Click the "COURSE OUTLINE" tab. Child course shell objects will be listed, but they are not yet attached to any nodes/courses.

  7. Click on “Settings” of each child object.

  8. Click the "Content" vertical tab.

  9. Type the name of the cloned child course you would like to add as a child in the "Existing node" field.

  10. Click the "Update."

  11. Click the "Save outline" button.