

Bookmarking can be used whenever a learner or administrator would like to revisit the course at a later point in time.  Bookmarked courses appear in the User Profile section.

Bookmarking and course enrollment are independent actions.  If a user bookmarks a course, the user is NOT enrolled into the course and vice-versa.

You must be an authenticated user to be able to bookmark a course.  Anonymous users cannot bookmark courses as they do not have a profile in EthosCE.

Bookmarking a Course

  1. Log into the site.

  2. Navigate to course.

  3. Click on the link "BOOKMARK COURSE".

Once the course is bookmarked, the link changes to "UNBOOKMARK COURSE".

Un-Bookmarking a Course

  1. Log into the site

  2. Navigate to the course

  3. Click on the link "UNBOOKMARK COURSE."

Once the course is unbookmarked, the link changes to "BOOKMARK COURSE."

To view all of the courses that you have bookmarked:

  1. Log into the site.

  2. Click on "My Account".

  3. Click on "Bookmarks" tab.

  4. The page now displays the list of all bookmarked courses along with the following information:


    1. Type

    2. Name of the Course

    3. Date Flagged 

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