Finding a course by external ID via web service

Clients using the external ID to identify EthosCE courses from a remote system, may need find the internal nid of a course. This may be accomplished via a GET call to the course endpoint. This endpoint does not support creation or update calls, as all information is automatically created when a course node is created or updated.

GET Call

Return all course objects with an External ID of external_1234.

<?php $curl = curl_init('http://your-domain/course.xml?external_id=external_1234'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "admin:webservicepw"); //Your credentials goes here curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); // Your session token and content type curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/json")); print curl_exec($curl);

If non-unique external ID values are used, the system may return more than one course object in the list.

Return structure

The return is a collection of course object information, associated to the course node. The course nid is found in the nid object, a reference to the course node. The path is: course → nid → id

Course (course)
var course = { "nid": { "uri": "http:\/\/\/node\/1", "id": "1", "resource": "node", "uuid": "f37bd30a-25c5-4b51-9f97-1243d9844b28" }, // The outline type "outline": "course", "credits": null, "open": "1493411400", "close": "1514745060", "duration": "0", "external_id": "external_1234", // The enrollment question bundle associated to a course. The default is 'course_enrollment'. "enrollment_type": "course_enrollment", // Course Relationship Settings "relationships": { "credit_options": "normal", "enroll_options": "parent", "auto_enroll": "1" }, "course_date_open": true, // Enabled credit on the course "course_credit_types": [], // An internal identifier "feed_nid": null }