Merging user accounts via web service

User accounts may be merged via the usermerge endpoint. A service endpiont that accepts a JSON payload via a POST command of 2 user IDs (uid).

A usermerge call accepts 3 parameters

uid_to_delete: The user ID of the source account.

uid_to_keep: The user ID of the destination account.

action: The action to be performed on the uid_to_delete account once completed. Either block or delete. Default is to block the source account.


This service performs irreversible actions. User caution is advised.


The service follows existing web service guidelines and additionally returns:

  • 201 created: if the merge was successful

  • 405/500 Method Not Allowed: for any method other than POST.

  • 406 Not Acceptable: with an error:

    • User to merge from (uid_to_delete) does not exist

    • User to merge to (uid_to_keep) does not exist

    • User to merge from (uid_to_delete) is blocked

    • User to merge to (uid_to_keep) is blocked