

EthosCE provides a full-featured shopping cart for selling courses and course registrations online. Features include:

  • Coupons

  • Bulk purchases

  • Variable pricing

  • Pricing per role

Each EthosCE installment may have a different shopping checkout experience, depending on the payment gateway implementation. Authorize.net, Paypal, TouchNet, Stripe, BluePay, and Cybersource are supported payment gateways that may be implemented into EthosCE. 

The typical scenario for a checkout:

  1. Learner adds a course or product to their cart.

  2. Learner navigates from cart to checkout page. Both pages are within EthosCE.

  3. An order is created within EthosCE as 'in checkout.'

  4. Learner reviews order.

  5. Learner is directed to a checkout page on the hosted payment side.

  6. Credit card is processed as successful or unsuccessful and a response is sent to EthosCE. If successful, the order status will change to 'Completed' on the EthosCE end, and the learner will be enrolled into the course. If unsuccessful, a response is noted in the order.

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