Free Course Display Setup

Free Course Display Setup

Free course price display

This configuration will affect the display of the "Cost:" line in the Course Summary block when a course price is "$0.00".

  1. Do not display price

    1. This will remove the line completely. This works in conjunction with the "Role pricing display" options, where if a course is $0.00 for a specific role, it will not display.

  2. Display $0.00

    1. This will display "Cost: $0.00"

Developer Notes

Free course price display is ethosce_courses_show_free_course_prices, using a boolean

  1. 0 (default) - Do not display price

  2. 1 - Display $0.00

Role pricing display is ethosce_courses_role_price_display,using a string

  1. none (default) - Display no role pricing, just the eligible price

  2. all - Display all roles and their pricing, also the eligible price