Bulk Coupon Creation

Bulk Coupon Creation

  1. Navigate to a coupon and click on the pencil editing button or create a new coupon.

  2. Click "Bulk coupon codes" to expand section.

  3. Check "Enable bulk generation of coupon codes." 

  4. Type in the number of codes to generate. 

  5. Select a code length.

  6. Save coupon when finished.

  7. Navigate to the coupon and click on  to pull a CSV of the bulk coupons created.

To add additional codes to an existing bulk coupon.

  1. Navigate to a coupon and click on the pencil editing button.

  2. Type the new total number of codes to generate in the "Number of codes to generate" field.

  3. Save coupon.

  4. Navigate to the coupon and click on  to pull a CSV of the bulk coupons created.


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