Creating a Coupon

Creating a Coupon

  1. Navigate to the list of coupons.

  2. Click "Add a new coupon."

  3. Type in a coupon name and coupon code.  The coupon code is the code learners will use to receive their discount. 

  4. Check “Coupon is active."

  5. Type in a discount amount. Adding a percentage sign automatically makes the discount a percentage off.

  6. Optionally configure the usage criteria as desired:

    • Apply discount to

      • This determines what amount the coupon will be applied to. For example, a 50% off coupon in a $100 order consisting of two products, $30 and $70 each, "order subtotal" discount will be $50 (50% off $100) while "most expensive product" will be $35 (50% off $70).

      • If "require all products to match" is checked, the learner must be purchasing all products under "Applicable products" below for the discount to apply.

    • Date restrictions

      • The coupon will only be accepted during this time frame.

    • Maximum redemption per code

      • If set, the coupon can only be used this number of times. For bulk coupons, this applies to each available code.

    • Maximum redemption per user

      • If set, each user can only use the coupon this number of times.

    • Minimum order limits

      • If "order total" is set, the subtotal of products must be at least this amount for the coupon to be accepted.

      • If "order quantity" is set, at least this many products must be in the cart for the coupon to be accepted.

      • If "Only count applicable products" is checked, only applicable products as configured below will count towards the minimum quantity or total.

    • Applicable product classes

      • Selecting a class will apply this coupon to all products of the class, overriding other restrictions except for products or terms explicitly excluded below.

      • Checking a product class will override all other restrictions.

    • Applicable products

      • Type in one or more products below to restrict this coupon to a set of products, regardless of any product attributes. Discounts will apply to each matching product.

    • Applicable SKUs

      • Type in one or more SKUs below to restrict this coupon to a set of SKUs, allowing coupons to apply to specific products or attribute options. Discounts will apply to matching SKUs. Wildcards are supported, e.g. "E*" will match all products with SKUs beginning with E.

    • Applicable taxonomy terms

      • Taxonomy for products is not configured by default in EthosCE

      • Type in one or more taxonomy terms (categories) below to restrict this coupon to a set of products. Discounts will apply to all matching products with these terms.

    • User restrictions

      • Type in one or more user names to restrict this coupon by user.

    • Role restrictions

      • Type in one or more role names below to restrict this coupon based on a learner's roles.

    • Combinations

      • Restrict the way this coupon may be combined with other coupons.

    • Display options

      • Line item title format

        The title for this coupon when displayed in the cart and as a line-item. Leave blank to use the default format as specified on the main coupon settings page.

      • Message

        The message to be displayed when this coupon is applied. Leave blank for a default message. Utilize tokens for this message.

  7. Click the "Save coupon" button.

Coupon codes cannot be changed once they have been used in an order.

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