

ACCME stands for the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. Only instances of EthosCE that are used for CME will have ACCME fields enabled. 

ACCME information will need to be filled in in order for courses to be reported to the Program Activity and Reporting System (PARS).

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click the "EDIT" tab.

  3. Click the "ACCME" tab.

  4. Select the appropriate learning format from the "AMA Learning Format" drop down list.

  5. The "Enable ACCME" checkbox is checked by default.  Uncheck to disable and exclude course from the PARS report.

  6. Type in the "Activity title."

  7. Type in the dates and times of activity duration.

  8. Type in the total hours of instruction in the "Hours of Instruction" field.

  9. Type the Internal ID number into the  "Internal ID" field.

  10. For Sponsorship, "Direct Sponsor" is the default selection.  If the course is a joint sponsor, check the Joint option and type in the name of the joint sponsor.

  11. Choose an activity type from the "Activity type "dropdown list.  For example, ‘Enduring Material’ should be selected for an enduring course. More fields will appear depending on your selection.

  12. To add commercial support, check on the "Commercial Support Received" checkbox.  A new section will open.

  13. Select a "Support source" or type one in under "Other: please specify".

  14. Check the type of support received under "In kind support received".

  15. Select the month and type in the year the support was received.

  16. Type in any income or expense information under "Income & Expenses".

  17. Click "Save."

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