Restricting Enrollment based on Enrollment Requirement Prerequisites

Restricting Enrollment based on Enrollment Requirement Prerequisites

Corequisites enrollment requirements allows for a relationship between courses that requires enrollment in one course before permitting enrollment in the other course. 

A sample use case for this feature would be a free workshop that is optionally included with a paid conference course: In order to enroll in the free workshop, the learner must enroll in the paid conference course.

This differs from Course prerequisites (Course-completion enrollment requirements), which requires completion of one or more courses before allowing enrollment in another course. 

The corequisite requirement is met if the learner is simultaneously enrolling in both courses.

If one of the required courses has already been enrolled in, then the requirement is also considered to have been met.

If the learner does not meet the enrollment requirement when enrolling, an error message will appear that lists the required courses.

For the purpose of describing this feature, purchase is considered equivalent to enrollment. The terminology used to refer to these courses in this documentation is as follows.


Requirement provider: The course that requires enrollment of another course.

Dependent(s): The course(s) targeted by the requirement providers.


Corequisites allows for more than one course to be set as a dependent and for specifying the number of the dependents that are required in order to enroll in the requirement provider course.

For example, the learner must select at least one of three workshops to enroll in the conference course.

Creating a Corequisite

  1. Navigate to the course that will be the requirement provider.

  2. Click “Edit”

  3. Click “Pre-requisites” in the left tab.

  4. In the fieldset labeled “Corequisites” > “Required courses” type the first dependent course by typing the first few characters of the course name. Wait for the course to appear and then select it by clicking on the course title. If the course title does not appear, type more characters of the title or try again with a character combination that is less common. 

  5. Click “Add another item” to add more dependents.

  6. Type the minimum number of dependents that must be enrolled into to allow access to the requirement provider course in the “Minimum required courses” field.

  7. Click “Save.”

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