Finding Users

Finding Users

  1. Click the wrench to open the admin menu.

  2. Click “EthosCE Admin."

  3. Click “Manage Users.”

  4. Search by Date, Role, Active status, E-mail, or Full name.

  5. Click “Apply” to execute the search or filtering. Once a search or filter is applied, results will appear in a table.

  6. To remove a filter, simply delete the data entered into the filter field and click "Apply" again.

To download the list of users, click the "CSV" icon at the bottom of the page.

These filter fields are additive - that is, by filling out multiple filter fields, only users who match all criteria will be displayed in the results.  For instance, setting the "Active" dropdown to "yes" and typing in "John Smith" for the full name will only return active users with the name John Smith.