Image Size Guidelines

Image Size Guidelines

This document is intended to help site and course administrators determine the best size for their images. 

Resizing images?

You don't need an expensive software program like Photoshop to resize images. Try a free online editor like Pixlr, PicMonkey, or BeFunky.

Site & PDF Logo

For both the site logo and the logo used on PDF documents, use an image that is no more than 100px high and not wider than 650px. The new flat theme allows for a wider image of 750px. PNG, JPG and GIF supported.

Course Top Image

The course image appears on the top of the course page next to the headline. Height is the critical measurement here. The image width can vary as needed.

Enduring Course

Live Course

Enduring Course

Live Course

1-line title image height



2-line title image height



3-line title image height



The course top image appears to the left of the course title. This is an example of a  2-line title.

Course Image in Content

The course image appears on the course landing page and can be inserted through the text editor. The main column of content on this page is 683px wide maximum. The new flat theme increases this width to 768px.

A full-width image on the course landing page should be no wider than 683px.

Course Venue Image

Image should be 650px x 330px for best results.  Available in version 7.5+

A properly sized course venue image will improve the appearance of an EthosCE live course. Image should be 650px x 330px for best results.

Home Page Promos

EthosCE offers two variants of home page promo sliders.

  • Homepage, image-only: 990px

  • Homepage, accompanied by text: 400px

The homepage, image-only promo fills the entire width of the home page.

The promo image accompanied by text.

Home Page, Two-Column Widths

Images should be no wider than 465px. The new flat theme increases this width to 552px.

As shown on right, Images can be less than 465px, but should be no wider than that.

Learning Group Promos

  • Group page, image-only: 891px

  • Group page, accompanied by text: 301px

The learning group promo is slightly less wide than the home page.

Learning Group Column Widths

Images should be no wider than 367px. The new flat theme increases this width to 432px.

Course Card Images

Course Cards were released in version 7.48 and can be used in an upcoming course block, or, used in the course card catalog display. The course card image field has an automatic cropping feature which allows administrators to select the appropriate image height and width for displaying course cards. Course cards can be added by:

  1. Click 'Edit' on the course.

  2. Click the 'Title & Description' tab.

  3. Under 'Course Card image click the upload image button.

  4. Once the image upload has been completed, click the 'Crop' button.

  5. Select the appropriate crop size for the course card image.

Note, the image will be automatically resized to 420 x 93.

Course card catalog

Course card featured courses block

Resizing images?

An expensive software program like Photoshop is not necessary to resize images. Try a free online editor like Pixlr, PicMonkey, or BeFunky.

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