Site Logo Update

Site Logo Update

Version information

For size and file information on the site logo image. Navigate to the Image Size Guidelines.

  1. Login as a user with the site admin role.

  2. Click the wrench to open the admin menu.

  3. Click "EthosCE Admin."

  4. Click "General settings."

  5. Uncheck "Use the default logo."

  6. Upload your site logo image by clicking "Choose file" beneath "Upload logo image."

  7. Click the "Save configuration" button.

Print/ PDF Logo 

You may upload a print-optimized logo for use on PDFs. 

  1. Login as a user with the site admin role.

  2. Click the wrench to open the admin menu.

  3. Click "EthosCE Admin."

  4. Click "General settings."

  5. Uncheck the "Use the default logo" option under "Print / PDF logo settings"

  6. Upload your site's print-optimized logo image by clicking 'Choose file" beneath the Logo image settings section.

  7. Click the "Save configuration" button.

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