Adding a custom number or text from the course in certificates

Adding a custom number or text from the course in certificates

To put a course-specific number or text code in a certificate token there are two options:

  1. Enter the value to appear on the certificate in the "Code" field beneath a credit type. Use the token for the code field in the certificate.

For example, if this "Code" field is used:

This token will pull in the data that was entered in the "Code" field (assuming that the credit type machine name is “ama”):


The credit type "Code" tokens are found under Advanced Tokens → Nodes → Course credit when creating a certificate.

In the example above, “ama” is the credit type machine name and will change per credit type.

All credit type machine names are also visible at the top of the certificate edit page. For example, if the credit type machine name was ancc:


2. A custom field can be added under the Custom tab when creating a course, which would generate a token to use on certificates. This would be an additional fee. Contact support for more information.

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