Publishing Content
Publishing content (courses, basic pages, etc) will make the content visible to learners.
Click the "EDIT" tab.
Click the "Publishing" tab.
Attach desired group(s) or series to the content by selecting a group or series from the "Your groups" and "Other groups" drop down lists under "Group audience." (Courses can move between learning groups and sessions can move between Series)
Edit the Menu Settings vertical tab.
Edit the Meta tags vertical tab.
Edit the URL path settings vertical tab.
Edit the Revision information vertical tab.
Edit the URL Redirect vertical tab.
Edit the Comment settings vertical tab.
Edit the Signup Settings if needed.
Enabling the 'Users can sign up for this event from the user registration form.' checkbox will allow learners to bypass payment as they will be immediately enrolled into the activity from the site registration form.
10. Edit the Authoring information vertical tab.
11. Edit the Publishing options vertical tab.
12. Click "Save."
To publish in bulk, see Bulk modifying content.
In standard EthosCE, only Site Ad