Common Content Tabs

Common Content Tabs

There are standard Drupal tabs used when creating content in EthosCE, such as basic page, learning group, and courses.  These tabs are located at the bottom of the editing page. 

Menu settings tab 

  1. Click “Menu settings" tab.

  2. Check “Provide a menu link” checkbox.

  3. Type a title into the “MENU LINK TITLE” field. This is the title that will appear in your navigation. If you do not type in a title, your page will not show up in the navigation.

  4. Type help text into the “DESCRIPTION” field to add text that will appear when hovering over the menu item.

  5. Click on the dropdown under “PARENT ITEM” and select the link you would like your page to appear beside or beneath. “<Main menu>” is typically where the main navigational items are listed.

  6. Use the “WEIGHT” dropdown field to set the position at which the menu item will appear in the menu.

Revision information tab

If revisions are enabled, a Revisions tab on the landing page will become available to view a log of the revisions. Revisions can be reverted if need be.

  1. Click “Revision information" tab.

  2. Check "Create new revision."

  3. Type in an explanation of change in the "Revision log message" field.

URL path settings tab 

The URL path can be changed to create a user friendly path.

  1. Click  “URL path settings" tab.

  2. Uncheck "Generate automatic URL alias" to create a custom URL path.

URL Redirect tab

It is possible to set up a URL redirect from any individual content page, for example, a course.

  1. Navigate to the content page.

  2. Click "Edit."

  3. Click "Publishing"

  4. Click "URL redirects"

  5. Click "Add URL redirect to this content"

  6. Add the "path" of the old URL to the From field.

  7. Click "Save"

Comment settings tab

By default, comments are disabled, but they can be enabled so that users will be able to comment. Beware - spam users may try and comment as well!


Meta tags tab  

See basic and advanced meta tags and schema.org meta tag pages for more information.

Authoring information tab

  1. Click “Authoring information."

  2. The "Authored by" field will auto-populate with the content creator's username. 

  3. Type in username to change author.

  4. The "Authored on" field will auto-populate with the date of content creation upon save.

Publishing options

  1. Click  “Publishing options."

  2. Check the "Published" checkbox to publish content.

  3. Check the "Promoted to front page" and "Sticky at top of lists" checkboxes to push content to certain blocks on the home page or learning group landing page. For example, the Featured Course block.

  4. Check the “Exclude from search” checkbox to prevent the content from being searched.

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