Tokens with Custom Dates

Tokens with Custom Dates

Date tokens such as the Event date token can be modified so they display different parts of the date.

In the case of the Event date token, the base token looks like "[node:field-course-event-date:?]". The question mark at the end can be replaced to display different date parts.

Replacing it with "value" will display the start date. Replacing it with "value2" will display the end date and replacing it with "duration" will display the duration.

For more specific date formats, the machine name of a system date format can be appended.

System date formats can be found at admin/config/regional/date-time.

The HTML will need to be inspected on that page in order to get the correct machine name. To do so, right click on the date and click “inspect.” The date format name is in the “name” attribute.

The final resulting token would look something like this: 


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