Learning Group Course Catalogs

Learning Group Course Catalogs

EthosCE now supports Course Catalogs that only contain content that is associated with the Learning Group

The path for each Learning Group Course Catalog is the following:


Path to catalog



Path to catalog


Faceted course catalog - cards

<www.yourdomain.com>/<learning group>/course-catalog-cards

Searchable, faceted filters, contains course images, date and price sorting.

Faceted course catalog - list

<www.yourdomain.com>/<learning group>/course-catalog-list

Searchable, faceted filters, contains course images, date sorting.

Faceted course catalog - table

<www.yourdomain.com>/<learning group>/course-catalog-table

Searchable, faceted filters, date and price sorting.

Table of courses

<www.yourdomain.com>/<learning group>/courses

Filterable, title, type, date and price sorting.

For more information on Course Catalogs, please see: Course catalogs

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