Enrollment Groups - Add On

Enrollment Groups - Add On

This is an add-on feature. Please contact your Product Specialist for more information.

Enrollment groups allow a non-administrative user to enroll learners into courses, edit enrollments and view reports, but restrict the editing of courses.

There are two options for non-administrative user roles:

  • Manager: Can only enroll users by email address. Can only add learners to the enrollment group by enrolling the learner in a course linked to the group.

  • Administrative member: Can view all users on the site when enrolling. Can add learners to their assigned enrollment group.

In this way, the enrollment group administrator can do enrollments into courses and serve as an instructor for his or her learners.

To create an enrollment group:

  1. Log in to EthosCE as a user with the site admin role.

  2. Click "+ New" menu link > "Enrollment group."

  3. Give the group a name by typing the group name in the "Title" field.

  4. Select a course(s) to associate with the group by typing the first few characters of the course name of the course in the "Courses" field. When the course appears, click it. 

  5. Click "Add another item" to add more than one course.

  6. Click "Save" to save the enrollment group.

To add a learner as an enrollment group administrator:

  1. Log in to EthosCE as a user with the site admin role.

  2. Navigate to the enrollment group.

  3. Click "Members" in the list of links on the left side of the page.

  4. Click "Add members" in the top tab.

  5. Find the learner to make the enrollment group manager by entering the name or email in the "Full name" or "E-mail" field and click "Apply."

  6. Check the checkbox next to the learner's name and click "Add member."

  7. Click "Confirm."

  8. Click "List members" in the top tab.

  9. Check the checkbox next to the learner's name.

  10. Select "Modify OG user roles" from the "Operations" field and click "Execute."

  11. In the "Add roles" field, click "administrator member."

  12. Click "Next."

  13. Click "Confirm."

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