Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions

Roles in standard EthosCE:

  • Site Admin: Has the ability to access and change global settings and configurations. Can create and edit all forms of content, manage users, create certificates, and review global and store reports.

  • Course Admin: Can create courses and pages. Can edit any course or page. Course Admins can review reports and manage user enrollments at the course level.

  • Course Author: Can create courses. Can only edit their own courses. Course authors can review reports and manage user enrollments at the course level for their own courses. To assign a Course Author to a course, please see the Authoring information tab information

  • Report Viewer: Can view various administrative reports.

  • Reviewer: Can review unpublished courses. Cannot modify or create content.

  • Support: Can add/edit view enrollments, orders, users, user profiles, users certificates, and masquerade. Cannot modify or create content. 

  • Web service: Allows access to EthosCE web service API. For service accounts only.

  • Authenticated User: Authenticated user is the default role in the system, and allows the user with this role to access content that they would otherwise need to be logged in to see.

Roles for RSS Add-on

  • Series Admin: Can create series, sessions, and discussion topics. Series Admins can review reports and manage user enrollments at the series level. 

  • Series Administrator member: Can create and manage sessions inside their assigned series.

Roles for Learning Groups Add-on

  • Learning Group Administrator member: Can create and manage courses inside their assigned learning groups. 

Roles for Enrollment Groups Add-on

  • Enrollment Group Manager: Can only enroll users by email address. Can only add learners to the enrollment group by enrolling the learner in a course linked to the group.

  • Enrollment Group Administrator member: Can view all users on the site when enrolling. Can add learners to their assigned enrollment group.

Roles for Activity Application and Faculty Management Add-on

  • CME manager: Can view and edit all Activity Application Form submissions. 

  • CME reviewer: Can view and edit all Activity Application Form submissions assigned them.  The CME reviewer can also create a course using the Activity Application Form.

  • Faculty coordinator: Can assign faculty to a course, send faculty forms, publish faculty bios, and edit user profiles.

  • Faculty: Can create disclosures, bios and complete faculty forms.

Roles for EthosCE Analytics Self-service add-on

  • Data Explorer: Can create and edit reports and dashboards in EthosCE Analytics. 

Customer responsibilities
Keeping your data secure also requires that you maintain the security of your account by assigning roles to trusted users using the principle of least privilege. 

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