Updating Menu Links

Updating Menu Links

Need to change where a menu item’s link leads to? Follow these steps:


  1. While logged in as an Admin, click the Manage tab and then go to Structure > Menus.

  2. In the Main Menu row, click List Links.

  3. Go to the menu item of your choice and click Edit (clicking the menu item name will go to where it's currently linked to — NOT an edit section!)

  4. Update the URL under Path.

    • This can be an internal path such as node/add or an external URL such as http://example.com.

      • For example, if linking to My Pending Activities:

        • The External URL (full web address) is https://sample.hosted.cloud.ethosce.com/user/1030/activities/pending

        • The Internal URL (everything that follows .com/, referencing a page within the site) is user/1030/activities/pending

  5. Scroll down and click Save.

How do I change the sorting options for the course catalog?

The catalog found at /courses can be sorted by any column in the existing layout, by editing the main menu item path.

To do so, you can click any column header to your preferred sort. This will update the URL found in the browser path. In example sorting by course title will update the path to courses?order=title&sort=asc.

Following the instructions above, you can add this new destination as the Path for you catalog link.

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