Credit Claiming Troubleshooting

Credit Claiming Troubleshooting


User is not able to claim credit.


  1. Are credit types enabled on the course, including the fallback credit (typically Attendance/Participation credit)?

  2. Did you masquerade in/login in as the user to see if they had completed the course (all required objects)?

  3. Is the user eligible for the credit that is active?

  4. Is the course expired or unpublished?


Users are not receiving eligible credit for an RSS session or course. They are receiving the fallback credit or not able to claim all credit types eligible.


  1. Did the user recently change their profile fields (which could change their eligibility)?

  2. Was the session or course setup with eligible credit at the beginning, or did credit types change over time?

  3. Was the user previously awarded credit manually?

  4. If the SMS add on module is in use, does the user receive fallback credit before filling in their profile?

  5. Was the credit imported?

  6. Did the user opt out of claiming a specific credit type accidentally?

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