Quiz Self-assessment

Quiz Self-assessment

The quiz self-assessment object provides additional information to the learners about their quiz performance. It provides peer comparison data, highest and lowest scores, and a report on the learner's performance by question category. The image below provides an example of how the quiz self assessment object appears to the learner.


 To add a quiz self-assessment object:

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click the "Course outline" tab.

  3. Select "Quiz self assessment" from the course object dropdown.

  4. Click "Add object."

  5. Click "Settings" to the right of the course object.

  6. Click "Quiz self assessment" in the left menu. 

  7. Under "Quiz to use for self assessment" select the quiz for which you would like the quiz self-assessment report to provide results. NOTE: A quiz object must be already within your course in order to associate. 

  8. Click "Update."

  9. Click "Save outline."


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