SCORM / TinCan

SCORM / TinCan

A SCORM package is a collection of learning materials used to provide instruction to a learner. SCORM packages are portable and authored to meet a standard that most learning management systems, including EthosCE, support. 

SCORM packages must be created outside of EthosCE using an authoring tool such as Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Presenter, Lectora, Raptivity or any other tool supporting the SCORM standard. SCORM packages can support multimedia, be interactive, and contain graded assessments and other e-learning tools.  EthosCE supports SCORM 1.1, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 (2nd, 3rd, & 4th editions), and the Experience API ("xAPI", formerly "Tin Can" API) 1.03 including cmi5.

The course materials are created within the authoring tool and saved out as a ZIP file. This SCORM package can then be uploaded into EthosCE as a SCORM course object and displayed to the learner.

To add a SCORM/TinCan package to course:

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click the "Course outline" tab.

  3. Select "SCORM/TinCan" from the course object dropdown.

  4. Click the "Add object" button.

  5. Click the "Save outline" button.

  6. Click on "Settings."

  7. Click on "SCORM/TinCan" tab.

  8. Click "Choose File" and choose ZIP file from computer.

  9. Update settings as appropriate.

  10. Click the "Update" button.

SCORM/TinCan Object Settings

SCORM/TinCan objects support a landing page capable of displaying HTML help text, and information about the user's last attempt. The help text and attempt information options are configured via the course object settings, under "SCORM/TinCan". The settings include:

  • Display Width and Height - this allows you to define the size of the popup window that will display the SCORM package.

  • Fullscreen

    • This will attempt to launch the object in a fullscreen popup window.

  • Embed

    • This will attempt to embed the object on the course page. Some objects are configured to only work in a popup window and this setting will be ignored.

The following options may be checked to display on the landing page:

  • Show duration

    • This will show the duration for the most recent attempt.

  • Show completion

    • This will show the completion status for the most recent attempt.

  • Show success

    • This will show the success status for the most recent attempt.

  • Show score

    • This will show the score for the most recent attempt.

Ensuring a user can complete a SCORM course object set as required.

If the SCORM course object in EthosCE is set as required, the SCORM package must be published to have an LMS reporting status that either:

  1. Includes a grade: If the grade the learner earns in the launched SCORM package is higher than the passing grade set in the SCORM course object, the learner will be considered to have completed the SCORM course object. OR

  2. Reports the status of "Passed:" If the SCORM package reports the learner has "Passed" the learner will be considered to have completed the SCORM course object. Note: Certain softwares (Lectora) can be case sensitive and need the report status of 'passed' instead of 'Passed.

Note that the passing grade set in the SCORM course object overrides the grade set within the SCORM package itself. This means the user will be considered complete for the SCORM course object if the passing grade in EthosCE is lower than the passing grade in the SCORM package.

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