Short answer Question Importer

Short answer Question Importer

CSV File Creation/ Data Dictionary for the short answer question importer:

  1. Navigate to /import and click “Short answer.”

  2. Click “Download a template.”

  3. In the template enter in the UUID. This will be the question’s unique ID and may be used for targeting the question for update via a later import.

  4. Type in the question.

  5. Type in the title.

  6. Type in the answer.

  7. Type in each the evaluation code. This field indicates how the question should be evaluated and must be one of the following integer.

  • 0 = Automatic and case sensitive

  • 1 = Automatic. Not case sensitive

  • 2 = Match against a regular expression (answer must match the supplied regular expression)

  • 3 = Manual

Importing a short answer question:

  1. Navigate to /import and click “Short answer.”

  2. Choose a file.

  3. Click the Import button.


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