Embedding a PDF

Embedding a PDF

PDF files may be embedded on the page. This will display the PDF inline on the page, rather than a link to the PDF.

To embed a PDF:

  1. Upload the file to the text area. Do not save.

  2. Double click the file.

  3. In the window that appears, copy the absolute path from the URL field. This is everything after the .com, .org or .edu and should look like this: "/sites/default/files/filename.pdf" Do not include the domain part of the URL.

  4. Click "Cancel" and remove the file you just uploaded from the text area. 

  5. Click the "Source" button on the text editor and add the following:
    <embed src="/sites/default/files/filename.pdf" width="800" height="375" >

  6. Replace the path with the value you copied in step 3.

  7. Adjust the height and width as necessary.

  8. Click "Save."

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