Object Completion-based Access to Course Objects

Object Completion-based Access to Course Objects

Object completion-based access restricts access to a specific course object based upon the completion of a specified number of available course objects. The user will not access the object until the minimum number of objects from the applicable list are completed.

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click "COURSE OUTLINE." 

  3. Click "Settings" on the row of the course object to edit.

  4. Click the "Access" tab on the left.

  5. Click "Object Completions"

  6. Under Minimum Required, select the minimum number of course objects a learner must complete to gain access to the current course object.

  7. Under Applicable Objects, select the course objects available for the learner to complete in order to satisfy the minimum required.

  8. Click "Update" to apply the settings.

  9. Click "Save outline" to save the changes.

Example:  A course administrator would like to allow learners in a course to achieve completion in a non-linear path. The course administrator could have 10 different course objects, but only requires the learner to complete any 5 of the available course objects to complete the course and claim credit. Within the final Credit course object, the course administrator would set a Minimum Required amount of 5 course objects, and select all 10 course objects available as Applicable Objects. This configuration allows the learner to select and complete any 5 of 10 course objects before gaining access to the final Credit course object.

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