Required Course Objects

Required Course Objects

A required course object must be completed before the learner can complete the course. Some course objects, such as quiz, can also require a grade or other requirements for completion. 

Usage notes

Required course objects must be completed in order unless they are skippable.

Certificates: Do not make a certificate a required object. Learner must complete a course in order to access a certificate, and if the certificate course object is required, the learner will receive an access denied message.

Credit: If the credit course object is required, the learner will be required to visit the course object to receive credit. This is true even if the course object is non-variable.

Setting a course object to be required:

  1. Navigate to the course.

  2. Click "COURSE OUTLINE." 

  3. Click "Settings" on the row of the course object you would like to edit.

  4. Click the "Settings" tab on the left. 

  5. Check the "Completion required" checkbox.

  6. Click "Update."

  7. Click "Save outline."